Collect free online guides and tutorials about graphics and programming, and in particular new technologies and new languages that serve to create virtual reality environments and advanced web applications, using open source and non-open resources.
In this tutorial we will see how to add and insert a reference image in Blender (version 4.1+). The images used as references can be useful, in every phase of creating a 3D scene, both to be able to draw inspiration from them, and to check if we are creating a ...
In this tutorial we will see the multiple methods to insert a pattern in Krita. We will see how to fill a layer with a pattern using the paint bucket tool or how to paint a pattern with a brush. The patterns are seamless textures, without seams, which can be placed ...
In this guide we will see how to use the "Turnaround Camera" add-on, already included as standard in Blender, to quickly show the details of an object through the animation of a camera that orbits around it. This can be useful both for communicating the result of a job done ...
In this guide we present the main shortcuts/hotkeys for Krita (tested in version 5.2.2), to be used with keyboard and mouse, with a brief explanation of the functions they are associated with. At the bottom of the page you can download a document in pdf format with the list of ...
In this tutorial we are going to see how to add multiple materials to a single object or mesh in Blender. It is one of the problems and doubts that arise when starting to learn how to use this 3D modeling software, but the solution is relatively simple. Later we ...
In this tutorial we will show how to selectively blur an object in Blender using the "Compositor", leaving the nearby ones unchanged, regardless of the distance from the camera. We will first use the "Object Index Pass" with the "ID Mask" node in Cycles, then with the "Cryptomatte" node in ...
In this tutorial we will see how to add a reflection only to a part of an object/mesh in Blender, using the "View layers" in the Compositor. For example (as we had been asked on social media) if we want to create a building with a metal structure, with an ...
In this complete guide to the Ivy Generator add-on for Blender we will see how to use it to easily add ivy to an object, we will analyze its parameters by presenting various examples, and finally, since this tutorial is part of the course "Blender course: from photo to 3D ...
In this tutorial we will see how to add a graffiti/text/stencil to the "wall" that we had created in Blender in the previous tutorials of the "Blender course: from photo to 3D wall" mini-course. We will use as the graffiti image, to apply the wall, the one we created in ...
In this tutorial in english for Krita we will see how to create graffiti in Krita. We will use as a base texture the image of a wall (the "diffuse" texture of the mini course "Blender course: from photo to 3D wall" of which this tutorial is a part) downloaded ...